Redskins potato salad

Thinking about that first love in life

Redskin potato salad: a recipe
 A bag of the small red new potatoes
 Not the tiny ones, barely realized
 Not the big ol’ ones with their many eyes glaring
 Into the pot
Boil until not done
 Then soak in cold water for ten minutes
While you throw ice on the beer
 Push the sharp knife through each one twice
 Chop up a vidalia, don't rush
 Chop up three dill pickles
 Chase it with a swig from the jar
 If there's parsley in the fridge use it up
 Let the blade do the work
 Don't be shy with the mayo
But don't get preachy with the mustard
 Stir it together
But only until the redskins begin to flirt
 It's ready for you now.
 Sit on the porch with an old coffee cup
 Filled to the brim with your redskin potato salad
 Fork in hand
 And think about the first person you ever fell in love with

****Attn Design: Make the following separate from the poem:

Peter Heimberg has been contributing his poems to Gumball Poetry at St Elmo’s for National Poetry Month since April 2019. In recent years, two of his poems have been selected for Alexandria’s DASHing Words in Motion that displays the winners’ poems on the city buses and trolley during April and May. Peter has also coached tennis and adult rowing in Alexandria and was co-host of the Del Ray Dad’s pig roast for many years.