Meet Juno!

Family member names: Josh, Caitlin, Ronin and Sophia.
Pet’s name: Juno.
Pet’s nicknames: Boons/Boono, Jaybes and Tiny Dog.

Type of animal/breed: French bulldog.
Why did you choose this type of animal/breed/rescue? We travel to our home in Bend a lot, so we needed smaller dogs that would fit in the car. They have big personalities in little bodies and are just so lovable and goofy.
Pet’s age: Juno will be 5 in December.

Where and why did you get your pet? We got her from a breeder in Drain, OR. Our first dog, Maximus, is also from the same breeder and is Juno’s half-sister.
What makes them extra special, or what makes them unusual (talents/quirks)? Juno is a perpetual puppy — she jumps for joy and has to show you her favorite toy every time you come into a room. She is so excitable, in fact, that she has had two bouts of IVDD, and we do our best to restrict her jumping. She is so full of love and is happiest napping beside you on the couch.
What do you like best about your pet? She is so tiny and delicate yet so full of personality. She really is a little firecracker.
What funny stories do you have to share about them? Juno will actually watch TV with us at night, but as soon as an animal comes on the screen, she jumps off the couch and shakes her toy at the TV. It is equal parts hilarious and annoying!
How spoiled is your pet, and what do you do to spoil them? She and her brother are very spoiled. They have their own car seats in the car and take up the entire third row when we go to Bend. They are also very sensitive to heat, so we have to make sure the AC is just right for them.
Anything else should we know about your pet and/or how your pet has enriched your home/family? Having dogs is a lot of work, for sure, but we wouldn’t trade Juno and her brother for anything. They truly are the epitome of unconditional love and have brought so much joy to our lives.