Inaugural La Grange Witches Ride

Grab your brooms!

The Inaugural La Grange Witches Ride will take place on Saturday, October 14th from 12-4 to benefit the La Grange Area Historical Society. The event is the start of the organization's Capital Campaign for much-needed maintenance and restoration of the historic Vial House, which serves as its headquarters. Participants dressed in their best witch attire will gather at noon at the Historical Society and the bike parade will begin at 1 pm - riding through the streets of La Grange's Historic District past numerous "haunted porches". Riders will distribute goodies to families and children lined up along the parade route. The parade will end at The Elm restaurant for the after party from 2-4 pm with live music provided by "El Rando", raffles, drinks, and appetizers to raise money for the Capital Campaign. Board member and event Chairman Cathy Bier and Rose Ashby, event coordinator, commented, "Our community does charity exceptionally well and loves to come together to celebrate. Many communities throughout the country do similar fun-themed rides and we thought it would be wonderful to bring one to La Grange.  We plan to make this an annual event that builds on itself year after year." 

For more information and registration, scan the QR code or search "Inaugural La Grange Area Witches Ride" on Facebook or "La Grange Area Witches" on Instagram.