Meet Sunny, the Terrier Mix who Brightens Our Days!

Tell us about how Sunny joined your family: We adopted Sunny from a rescue in Fort Worth. His Mom was pregnant with 9 puppies and she was set to be euthanized. The rescue pulled her from the shelter, helped her through having the puppies, and adopted all of them out!

What's something special about Sunny? When he licks you, he stops the movement and just hold his tongue on your hand....kinda like if it was dry and stuck. Lol. 

What do you like best about Sunny? He's so good with Pruitt and Sullivan. As you can see in the photos, he has a special place on the couch next to the kids. He has taught them what it takes to care for a pet since they're old enough now to help me feed him, fill up his water bowl, etc. 

Tell us a fun story about Sunny: When we first got Sunny, it was time for parent teacher conferences at WRE and the Assistant Principal and 1st grade teacher asked if I'd bring Sunny with me to Pruitt's conference. So I did! Miss DeSpain took a photo of him in the classroom and showed it to the class the next day and now he's like the DeSpain class mascot. 

Is Sunny spoiled? More than my husband would like. LOL! He sleeps in bed with our daughter, Pruitt, and has more play dates than anyone else in the family. He goes to the dog park and since his Mom is a veterinarian, he gets all the best food and medical care. He's got it made!