Future Builder Alert: Get to Know Preston, the Aspiring Architect

Age: 8
Grade: 3rd Grade
School: Lakewood Elementary
Extracurricular Activities: DAC Swim Team, golf, Architecture, Design and Construction class at Imaginarium Lakewood
Someone I Admire: My Dad-He works really hard as a surgeon and gives our family lots things. This past winter we got to go skiing just the two of us.  It was so much fun spending one on one time together.  My Dad is always doing fun things with me-play games, swimming, skiing, golf.
Something Unique About Me: I am named after my great-grandpa. I never got to meet him but I have heard lots of stories about him. I know he would be so proud of me! 
When I grow up: I want to be a construction worker and architect so I can build houses and cool buildings. I like to use Jenga blocks and legos to build houses and buildings for my Star Wars Figures.

These Are A Few Of My Favorite Things...
Activities: Build Legos
Animals: My favorite animal is an elephant. If I could be an animal I would be a giraffe because they are tall and they have a strong kick.
Color: Orange, I liked the leaves in the Fall when they changed colors and the orange ones were my favorite.
To Eat: Cheese Pizza-I like when I get one all to myself!
To Watch: Star Wars (All of them!), Big City Greens
Sports Teams: I like the Dallas Stars, Dallas Cowboys, and Texas Longhorns.
Subject in school: Everything!!!
Vacation: Durango, CO- Summer and Winter!
Wintertime activity: I love to ski!

"I wanted to be a construction worker and architect so I can build houses and cool buildings. I like to use Jenga blocks and Legos to build houses and buildings for my Star Wars Figures."