Jack Rehberger

Age: 7
Grade: 3rd Grade
School: Lakewood Elementary
Extracurricular Activities: Basketball, Baseball, Flag Football, Piano
Someone I Admire: My mom, because she takes care of our whole family.
Something Unique About Me: I can count to 10 in German.
When I grow up: I want to be an NBA player or a zookeeper.

These Are A Few Of My Favorite Things...
Activities: Play with my friends.
Animals: If I could be any animal I would be a snake, because they slither around and they're hard to find. My favorite animal is a Solenodon (the only mammal that can inject venom).
Color: Red
To Eat: Cheeseburgers
To Watch: Super Mario Bros movie, Space Jam and anything Pokemon
Sports Teams: Milwaukee Bucks, Kansas City Chiefs, LA Angels
Subject in school: Math
Vacation: Puerto Rico 
Shopping store: The DFW Pokemon store
Summertime activity: Playing basketball 

"When I grow up I want to be an NBA player or a zookeeper."