Back To School Tips

As we head into August here are some back-to-school tips to keep in mind when starting the new school year. 
  1. Organize and prepare mentally
    1. Keep organized with a planner
    2. Manage homework assignments with a system
    3. Don’t shove papers into your backpack
    4. Keep track of deadlines and follow them
  2. Shop for supplies and gear
    1. Backpack
    2. Pencils
    3. Pens
    4. Folders
    5. Lunchbox
    6. New outfits
  3. Set realistic goals
    1. Improving grades
    2. Branching out
    3. Joining more clubs
    4. Learning a new skill
  4. Actively engage and participate
    1. Ask questions
    2. Don’t be afraid to ask for help
    3. Be encouraging to other students
    4. Get involved in school activities
  5. Establish a routine
    1. Eat sufficient meals
    2. Get 7-8 hours of sleep
    3. Get used to waking up early
    4. Regular exercise
Keep these tips in mind to embrace the new school year and start school with confidence!