Trailblazing Achievements: A Remarkable 2023 Texas Trailblazer Awards Luncheon

Celebrating Victories, Inspiring Change, and Laughing with Brooke Shields

Mimi Crume Sterling (Family Place CEO) with 2023 Legislative Impact Award Recipients: Eddie Garcia (Dallas Police Chief), and Victoria Neave Criado (State Representative)

Once again, the annual Texas Trailblazer Awards luncheon proved to be a spectacular event for all to enjoy. This year’s luncheon celebrated the many accomplishments achieved by outstanding volunteers. One of the greatest accomplishments was the passing of Texas House Bill 5202. This bill prevents intimate partner violence by providing a free centralized website containing information on individuals who have repeatedly committed intimate partner violence.  
In attendance, to be recognized for their achievements in helping to move this bill forward, were Dallas Police Chief Eddie Garcia and State Representative Victoria Neave Criado. After encouraging words from both individuals, the awards continued with highlights of this year’s success, such as successfully logging over 15,000 calls, to raising the largest budget in the history of The Family Place at a whopping $17 million.

With all the encouraging numbers still hanging in the air, the luncheon moved on to the auction. In hopes of 100% participation, paddles flew up as donations started at the $25,000 level down to a respectable $100. The immediate success of the auction had the audience buzzing with excitement. A perfect time to introduce the keynote speaker, the talented and mesmerizing Brooke Shields.

A more down-to-earth and authentic celebrity you’ll never meet. She immediately broke the ice concerning her famous eyebrows. She talked of the Ford Modeling Agency and how they were determined to bleach her eyebrows to advance her career (to which her mom, threatened to “lock the door and not let them in”). As her talk became more animated, she caught herself flailing her arms and immediately grabbing her underarms to keep the jiggle in check, but not without first making jokes about old age and the outward signs we try to hide. Lighthearted topics continued with talks of her USO tour with Bob Hope (who taught her it was okay to be funny) to more serious subjects of raising two daughters in a world of social media. Yet, even when the mood became more serious, Brooke was able to relate to the audience with her humility and transparency and admitted to learning as she goes when raising her two girls. And yet, once again she threw in her curve ball to obtain a good laugh when she admitted to telling her girls their choice in clothes was like “wearing a meatsuit into a lion’s den”.

The undeniable success of the 2023 Trailblazer luncheon will continue to inspire all attendees. The admiration for the volunteers and the affection for the financial contributors was apparent throughout the event. As everyone left to go their separate ways, they carried hope for a brighter future.

"The undeniable success of the 2023 Trailblazer luncheon will continue to inspire all attendees. The admiration for the volunteers and the affection for the financial contributors was apparent throughout the event. "