From World Travelers to Lakewood Locals: The Dynamic Duo Nam and Dina

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So frequently, I’m told by anyone who hears I live in the Lakewood area that they would love to live here. Or that they lived here once upon a time - pre-kids, pre-minivan, when Lower Greenville was dangerous or when all the houses were old. Yet, it was the best of times and wish they would love to get back into the neighborhood. Well, the revolution is here. Our schools are amazing, our restaurants and retail are what the suburbs are fashioning themselves after, our lake is unrivaled for fitness and beauty in North Texas and the sense of community is what our grandparents had generations ago. 

The neighbors moving into East Dallas each have a story and quite possibly have compromised something (a closet, a bedroom, a vacation, etc.) in order to buy a home in our neighborhood and make it the home of their dreams. Meeting this diverse group of individuals who have put thought into more than just the 4 walls of their home but the geography, the topography, the lifestyle and the company that they intend to keep is always an honor.

The Trans are just such a couple. Each is very successful in their career, they are part-time foodies, are full-time dog parents, avid travelers with enviable passports, golfers, and are building a new company as a side hustle. And, this young couple sought out the right place to build and grow their medical practice, their company and their life. After living in Washington DC and subsequently moving to Plano, the Trans knew they needed to seek out an area that was a good balance between super city and suburbs. An area where they could feed their foodie habit, walk their 7-year-old pup Chico, and make lifelong friends. Lakewood fit the bill!

Nam Tran is a podiatrist and foot surgeon with a concierge medical practice. He says this type of practice allows him to provide the very best care to his patients (your first visit with the doctor lasts one hour!). Once a patient you have full-time access to this doctor - his personal cell number and a lifetime of care. Since its inception in January, the practice has grown so much that he’s added a brick-and-mortar clinic as well. 

Dina Han is a pharmacist but ironically works for an insurance company on the pre-authorization side of the business. The two met during Nam's residency at Georgetown University Hospital in Washington DC. After making it together through the 14-16 hour days of school, the rest is history. The two have been together ever since, even indulging their travel bug by getting engaged on a trip to Cabo and married in Paris! 

The travel partners love Europe and have recently returned from Spain. Next up is a cruise! But they are also planning a trip to Broken Bow, OK and Singapore in the very near future. Since moving to the Lakewood area in March of 2023, they have gotten to know their neighbors (lots of other young professionals in the same stage of life) and are confident that they made the right choice of location for their family. They are excited to get involved in all things local including volunteering, community events and continuing their walks and trips to the dog park. 

The Trans are a great example of the growth and enthusiasm pouring into East Dallas every year. As our community continues to grow and thrive here’s hoping that we all keep meeting our neighbors and staying connected.