Building Confidence and Community

Girls on the Run Snohomish County

The 2024 Mill Creek Elementary team.

Girls on the Run Snohomish County (GOTR SnoCo) was founded in 2015. Audrey Johnson heard about the program while living in Seattle and was drawn to its mission of helping 3rd through 8th grade girls build confidence, make connections, and develop healthy habits. When she and her children moved back to Mill Creek in 2016, there was not yet a team in the area, so Audrey joined forces with another local parent with students at Mill Creek Elementary to start their own. “In the spring of 2017, our Mill Creek Elementary team only had six girls, but we had a great time and I saw the positive impacts the program has,” shares Audrey. “I began volunteering with the organization as much as possible, and even joined the GOTR SnoCo staff.”

Now, seven years after starting the MCE team, Audrey is the Communications Director for the program. Her daughter, Isabella Duncan, who participated in the program in elementary school, is now a sophomore at Jackson High School and returned to GOTR as a junior coach for the team. This year, Mill Creek Elementary hosted the largest group of girls in the program across three teams with over 37 participants.

The research-based curriculum and trained volunteer coaches facilitate lessons that teach girls long-lasting life skills. “It focuses on building up the individual so they can navigate their world, develop confidence, find joy in healthy movement, and contribute to their community in a positive way,” shares Audrey. “It gives adolescent girls and gender-expansive youth a place to be themselves and have positive role models supporting them.” At the end of each season, the teams do a community impact project as well as a celebratory 5k.

Audrey finds these elements of GOTR stand out to her most when she sees her daughter – and other GOTR alumni – thriving in high school by participating in team sports and other activities that give back to the community. “GOTR allowed my daughter to make special connections with adults in her life who care about her and cheer her on,” Audrey says. “She had her favorite elementary teachers and her grandmother as her 5k buddies. To have them be able to share that experience, and for Isabella to see that there are so many people encouraging her and excited to see her succeed, is very special.”

The growth of the Mill Creek Elementary team is largely due to the support they receive from the school administration and the enthusiasm of the teachers. Dani Johnson, MCE teacher and 2024 Above and Beyond Teaching award winner, took over as the site liaison and coach. “Her involvement has been instrumental in growing the GOTR program at Mill Creek Elementary,” says Audrey.

“I’ve been involved with GOTR for four years, and I plan on being involved for a long time,” Dani shares. “I love empowering others and helping them identify and accept their individuality! Building confidence and acceptance in our young people helps them build empathy and develop the tools they need to advocate for themselves and others.”

“It’s so much more than running,” shares MCE parent Erin Olnon. “They cultivate strong friendships, positivity, and healthy physical activity. Both of my daughters participated in GOTR and had amazing experiences – and the final 5k at the end of the season is the most fun race you’ll ever run!” Alison Brown, another MCE parent, shares these sentiments. “Our daughter Taylor has not only become a stronger runner but has gained a lot of confidence as well. She was ecstatic that she achieved her goal to run the entire 5k without walking!”

“GOTR is a place where girls learn their uniqueness is something special,” shares Audrey, “and where they can celebrate their similarities and embrace their differences. It’s a place where their voices are heard, and where they learn what good friends are and how to champion one another instead of competing. You don’t have to show up and be perfect – you get to show up and be your authentic self. Everyone knows they’re in a welcoming, inclusive place to grow and learn in this special GOTR community.”

Girls on the Run relies on volunteers to facilitate the program and inspire change, one person at a time. Whether you are a family member, coach, volunteer, or donor, you can be an important part of the GOTR journey and help make a direct impact in our community!

To find out how to get involved in this year’s program, visit the GOTR website at to get started!