Victory in the Endzone
Superbowl 2024 - Youth football team Clinches Super Bowl Glory!

I just kept reminding the boys what is said always in Oakdale Football, Hard work beats talent when talent doesn’t work hard. Which is a quote from former head coach for the Mustangs, Trent Merzon. And we dedicated our season to a former Stampede player that passed away before the season started. Dustin Pace this one’s for you!!!!!
- Head Coach, Mike Ginger
The Oakdale Stampede JV team started off the year with a 2-3 win loss record with three hard fought close losses. However, their overall tenacity and the ability to focus on the program lead the Oakdale Stampede JV team to eight consecutive wins, including a tremendous Super Bowl win over the Turlock Pride with the score of 27 to 20. Through this eight game win streak, the defense became relentless and the hardest hitting defense in the league, the defense was led by the defense of coordinator Chance Ginger. As a member of the coaching staff, I was proud of these kids on how they dialed in their game with great focus of details of the Wing T offense and their unselfish team work.
- Offensive Coordinator, Matt Bodine