Oakdale Broncos Bring Granny Basketball to Life

The Oakdale Broncos, a newly formed Granny Basketball team, officially received approval on October 5th and are now gearing up for their first season, which will run from January through May. They’re actively recruiting players and sponsors to support the team. Open to women aged 50 and older, Granny Basketball offers a fantastic opportunity for exercise without the demands of running or jumping. This unique sport has its own set of rules, making it accessible to those who may not have prior basketball experience, and games are played with six players instead of the traditional five.
Practices will be held one evening each week, with regular games and tournaments scheduled throughout the season. Currently, only three Granny Basketball teams exist in California, while a total of 57 teams are spread across the United States. As one of the few teams in the state, the Oakdale Broncos offer a fun, community-centered way for women to stay active and engaged.
Please check out Granny Basketball for more information at www.grannybasketball.com