A Day in the Life, as My Pet Dog, Cooper

My life is pretty complex. Well actually, not really. I mostly just do simple things. Like each morning, afternoon, and night, I would just do the same simple, plain, and boring things the average dog does. 
In the morning, I would, of course, wake up. Afterwards, I would greet my owners a good morning and try my best to wake them up. Around seven in the morning, I would watch my owner leave the household with some type of mechanical device on their back. I'm not sure what it is, but I'm pretty sure they call it, "Backpack." Maybe it stores treats! Or something like that. After that, I would have my daily meal. 
Next, in the late afternoon, I would watch my owner come back! For a second, I thought she was abandoning me. I'm always so happy and full of joy when she comes back. It felt like forever! But anyway, I would have my daily meal, again, and have a side of treats! I absolutely love treats. I'm practically obsessed with it. Sometimes, I would get a bone from probably, a leftover meal, I guess. Then, I would play with the toys that I ripped up. Don't ask why I do that. 
Lastly in the deep night, I would stay up for a long time. And in the meantime, for that long time, I would usually just play with my toys until I got very tired. And when I'm tired, I prance up to my owner’s room and snooze with my owner. 
I’m hoping for tomorrow to be different. Chances are high that it probably won’t be, but who knows?  Maybe it will.